Referral Guidelines For General Practitioners For Breast Diseases
- Any new lump that is discrete
- A new lump (aka dominant lump) in an area of known nodularity
- Asymmetrical nodularity that persists after a complete menstrual cycle
- Abscess persisting or recurring after a single course of antibiotics
- Lymph nodes in the axilla or supraclavicular fossa
- Pain associated with a lump
- Persistent pain not responding to reassurance, simple measures such as well fitting bra, evening primrose oil
- Persistent unilateral pain in a postmenopausal woman
Nipple discharge
- Blood stained nipple discharge at any age
- Persistent discharge of any colour from a single duct
- Persistent bilateral nipple discharge
Nipple retraction, distortion, eczema
- Of recent onset
- Associated with a lump
Skin changes
- Dimpling
- Peau de orange
- Ulceration